Tips For Driving Your Car Safely

운전연수 When the day arrives that your car can drive you to work and back without any input from you, it will have passed a number of crucial milestones. It will have to overcome a number of other hurdles too, though.


Autonomous cars need to know a lot about the environment they’re in, and they must be able to react to novel driving situations as well or better than a fleshy human driver.

1. Keep Your Eye on the Road

Just as the concentration needed to pluck a baseball out of midair requires the entire person’s attention, an undivided focus is required when driving. Taking your eyes off the road for even a few seconds can spell disaster.

Smart drivers not only pay attention to the vehicle or road directly ahead, they also keep an eye on traffic further down the roadway and on the horizon. This allows them to react to hazards that may develop quickly with a limited response window.

Experts recommend keeping your eyes moving every two to three seconds as you scan the roadway for danger. This does not mean that you cannot occasionally check your mirrors or glance at a guage every now and then to monitor your relationship with the vehicles around you, but those actions must never remove your full attention from the road directly in front of you. This is why we have laws against talking on the phone, texting, engaging in social media and using any handheld devices while driving. It’s simply not safe or legal.

2. Stay in 운전연수 Your Lane

It’s easy to lose control of your vehicle when you move too far out of the center of your lane. Doing so is a common cause of crashes for 16- and 17-year-old drivers. It’s important to keep a firm, yet gentle grip on the steering wheel so you can make small adjustments. Don’t squeeze the wheel too tightly, however, as this can lead to tightening your muscles and jerking of the steering wheel when you turn.

When driving in residential neighborhoods that do not have lane lines, imagine a line running down the middle of the road to guide your position. Be sure to give yourself plenty of space between parked cars, too — you never know when someone might exit a car door into your path.

Whenever you are following another vehicle, always maintain a 3 second space cushion. You can calculate this by choosing a fixed object on the road that the vehicle in front of you passes and counting the number of seconds it takes you to reach that same point.

3. Keep a Safe Distance

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of accident, and many of them could be avoided if drivers left sufficient space between themselves and the car in front. When a driver gets too close to the vehicle ahead, they may not be able to react quickly enough if the lead car has to slam on the brakes.

To avoid tailgating, you should always try to leave at least two seconds of space between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This can help you stay safe if the driver in front slams on their brakes, if another driver cuts in front of you, or if something like a road closure or construction delays your progress.

To find out how far back you should be driving, look for a distinct and fixed object along the road like a traffic light, sign, or mailbox. Once the rear end of the car ahead passes that point, start counting. You should be able to count to at least three seconds before your own vehicle passes the marker. In bad weather, high traffic, or in other hazardous conditions, you should increase that amount to at least six seconds.

4. Keep Your Speed Down

Driving too fast can lead to dangerous situations, especially if you do it on a regular basis. You may think that you only go a few miles over the speed limit, but it will add up over time and can make you less likely to react quickly to hazards on the road. It also can wear your tires out more quickly, and bald or low-air tires can cause blowouts when you hit the brakes.

Keep in mind that a posted speed limit applies only to ideal conditions, and it’s your responsibility to adjust your driving speed to match the road and weather. If you notice that you’re speeding often, consider practicing calming techniques or using an app on your phone to help slow you down.

To check your following distance, watch the car in front of you pass some fixed point like an overpass, road sign, or fence corner and count the seconds it takes to reach that spot again (“one thousand and one, one thousand and two”). If you’re too close to the vehicle ahead, slow down.

5. Have an Escape Route

It’s important to have an escape route when driving. If you’re too close to the vehicle in front of you, then swerving is your only option. However, it’s not a good idea to jump into the next lane if the roadway is too narrow or blocked with something. Instead, make sure you have a clear path along the shoulder of the road in case things go wrong. The best way to ensure this is to keep your distance at all times and stay away from other vehicles if possible. This will give you the space you need to escape a dangerous situation. Use your trip odometer to measure your Line of Action distance and adjust as needed. You can also check out this driving car safety article for more tips!