Income Property Loan Vs Investment Property Loan

An income property loan is a type of financing that allows you to buy residential properties that you plan to rent out. These loans are often a good choice for investors who want to generate passive income through rental properties or who are interested in flipping properties for a profit. 후순위아파트담보대출

Interest Rates

Investment property loans are used to finance residential or commercial real estate properties that generate recurring income or benefit from long-term appreciation. They differ from traditional mortgages that are designed to finance an individual’s primary residence and can be financed through a range of options including conventional mortgages, private money loans, hard money loans, and portfolio loans.

Interest rates associated with investment property loans are typically higher than mortgage rates for primary homes. This is because lenders assume a greater level of risk with an investment property loan. For example, if the property loses value due to economic factors, the borrower may be unable to make consistent debt repayments. This can lead to default, which can affect the lender’s creditworthiness.

To reduce the rate of interest on an investment property, borrowers should consider making a larger down payment. This can help them qualify for a lower rate and minimize the risk of default. In addition, borrowers should be sure to evaluate all financing options carefully. Understanding the differences between conventional loans, jumbo loans, and other financing options can help them tailor their funding to the specific needs of their property.

Many investors use a combination of financing options to purchase and renovate investment properties. For example, they might use a conventional loan to purchase the property and then use a private money or hard money loan to pay for the renovations. They might then refinance the loan with a new lender when the renovations are completed.

Down Payment

An income property loan can help you get a step closer to your financial goals if they include owning real estate for passive income. However, it’s important to research your options and understand what’s required to qualify for an investment property loan as well as what you might pay in interest rates and fees.

There are many different types of investment property loans available, including standard mortgages, hard money investor loans, and more. Some of these lenders may require higher credit scores and income levels to qualify, while others are more flexible and offer more competitive terms. Some of these loans may also be used to buy properties that are subsequently renovated and sold for a profit, commonly known as “house flipping.”

The amount of down payment you’ll need to make on an investment property will vary from lender to lender. However, it’s generally a good idea to save up for a larger down payment because the smaller the down payment, the more risky the investment seems to the lender. This can result in higher interest rates and larger loan fees.

If you don’t have enough money saved up to fund a down payment on an investment property, you can try to borrow funds from family and friends. However, it’s important to check whether your primary lender allows this. If not, you’ll need to find another way to fund your down payment, such as a home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC).


Lenders are interested in whether you’re purchasing a property as an investment or a second home. To be considered an investment property, it can’t be a single-unit dwelling, but instead must offer multiple units and generate rental income. In addition, expenses associated with the property are typically tax-deductible. However, consult a professional tax adviser to learn more about the IRS rules for these deductions.

Scotiabank’s income property lending program can be used to purchase or re-finance multi residential, commercial, industrial and office properties held under business ownership. Contact your local Scotiabank Small Business Advisor for details. Terms & conditions apply.