How Confidential Identity Verification Can Help Your Business

With massive data breaches making headlines regularly, there’s no question that keeping confidential information secure is crucial. Identity verification helps ensure that only authentic users access your systems and data.


It’s also critical to prevent fraud 흥신소 , which often results from poorly implemented security controls, such as identity theft and credit card fraud. This article will cover how to use identity verification and best practices for implementing it.

Background Checks

When it comes to hiring and vetting new hires, background checks are an important part of the process. They can provide insights into criminal records, education, employment history, and more.

Despite their many benefits, background checks can be inaccurate if not conducted properly. This is largely due to a lack of identity verification, which can cause results to miss crimes committed under an applicant’s aliases or previous names. This can result in unnecessary adverse action and reputational damage for your business.

A thorough identity verification strategy can also help you comply with government regulations, such as those related to anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements. Incorporating this step into you 흥신소 r background check process helps you reduce risk and build a strong, trustworthy work environment for your employees.

Additionally, incorporating identity verification into your security measures can prevent cyberattacks and data breaches by ensuring only authenticated individuals have access to confidential information or services. This protects your business and your customers from financial loss, data theft, and other forms of fraud. It also shows that your organisation prioritises trust and security, which is a key factor in attracting and building loyal clients and partnerships. A recent study found that 80% of customers prefer to purchase from companies that prioritize security and privacy. This is especially true for millennials, who are the most active and engaged group of consumers.

Social Security Number Checks

Social security number checks involve checking an individual’s social security number against authoritative database records. The results of an SSN verification can be extremely useful in preventing a number of common types of fraud, including identity theft, money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorist financing. This kind of check is often performed by running the SSN through a trusted, authoritative database that verifies it against public records to ensure that it’s valid.

SSN checks are also effective against synthetic ID fraud, in which bad actors combine stolen data with fake information to create a new identity. To prevent this, it’s important to run SSN checks against authoritative databases that include records of both public and private individuals.

In addition, the SSA has taken steps to improve the integrity of the SSN by making it more difficult to counterfeit or decode the number. For example, the first three digits no longer have geographic significance, and the SSN card itself features security measures to make it more difficult to forge.

In general, the SSA only issues a new SSN in rare circumstances. These include cases where a person’s previous SSN has been assigned to someone else; when the original SSN is already being used for a fraudulent purpose; and when an individual can provide evidence that they’re a victim of SSN fraud or abuse.

Phone Number Checks

The phone number verification process is a critical step for businesses that rely on the ability to communicate with their clients through their phone. Without this, important information may never reach its intended destination. This is a huge problem for organizations that use the phone numbers of their clients to send newsletters, marketing offers, and even two-factor authentication (2FA) codes.

Many companies offer services that allow you to search for a person’s name using their phone number, but these can be unreliable. Whether because they are paid for by criminals to commit fraud, or just because a person’s phone number has been ported to another provider, these services can be dangerous for your security.

A better option is to use a phone number validator that includes line type detection and carrier lookup details. Using a phone number validator with this data will help you identify whether the number is a landline, mobile, or business phone as well as whether it has been reported as spam or harassing.

IPQS’s phone number validation tool uses a live ping to contact the carrier network and retrieve the owner’s CNAM (name associated with subscriber). This is combined with public records and data appending to find the actual name of the phone number’s owner. This data is then validated with email and physical address for both consumers and businesses to provide a comprehensive phone number check.

Address Checks

When it comes to reducing chargeback fraud and other criminal activities, it’s essential that ecommerce platforms and other businesses verify the addresses provided by their customers. This helps ensure that items are delivered to the right person and prevents fraudsters from creating accounts and buying goods under false pretenses.

Many verification providers use address validation software that uses trusted data sources to confirm whether an address exists and is correct. Some of these services also include an API so that companies can easily add address lookup as part of their identity verification workflows.

This type of service is particularly important for organisations operating in regulated industries, like banking or insurance. This is because it can help reduce customer onboarding friction while also improving compliance and security outcomes.

Using an automated system to verify addresses is far more efficient than conducting manual checks with paper documents. Especially for large volumes of new customers, it can be difficult to manually review and verify every single document. Using a verified address check, however, can save businesses both time and money by ensuring that the information in a new customer’s account is accurate.

Some of these systems rely on information from a wide range of authoritative public and private data sources, including the USPS, electoral rolls, credit reference agencies, shipping companies and mobile network operators. These databases can be combined with identity proofing and location checks to provide a comprehensive solution that offers high levels of assurance and efficiency.