Acne Treatment – What You Need to Know

There are many options for treating acne. Various methods include topical retinoids, salicylic acid, and oral antibiotics. You can also consider getting a chemical peel. Fortunately, most of these methods have been shown to be effective in treating acne. However, there are a few important things you should know about each of them.송도피부과

Salicylic acid

When using salicylic acid for acne treatment, you need to know that it can irritate the skin and make it feel dry. You should choose a product with a low concentration of the acid and a buffering ingredient such as aloe vera. These ingredients will help to reduce the amount of irritation you feel, and they can also prevent your skin from becoming dehydrated.

Salicylic acid can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide. However, it’s best to start out with a lower concentration and build up gradually, so that you don’t cause any damage to your skin. It’s also advisable to test any acne-fighting product on a patch of skin before applying it to your whole face. If your skin is sensitive, it’s important to consult your dermatologist before using it.

Salicylic acid works to break up the damaged outer layers of the skin, reducing the appearance of acne. It also promotes the growth of new layers of skin, helping to minimize acne scarring. Salicylic acid can also be used to treat other skin problems.

Oral retinoids

Retinoids are a group of prescription medicines used to treat various forms of acne. They work by increasing skin cell turnover and promoting exfoliation of dead skin cells. They are also anti-inflammatory. Retinoids are also available in topical forms, such as Differin 0.3% or 0.1%.

Depending on the form of acne, retinoids can be applied to the skin or taken orally as a pill. Both forms of retinoid therapy are effective for treating both severe and mild cases of acne. They are derived from vitamin A and act on skin cells, preventing clogged pores and aiding skin renewal.

Topical retinoids come in a variety of forms, including creams, gels, and liquids. Oral retinoids include oral pills and tablets. They are commonly prescribed for mild to moderate cases of acne. They may be used with topical antibiotics to kill acne-causing bacteria.

Oral antibiotics

Although oral antibiotics are a popular treatment for acne, they also have a few negative side effects. The main issue is that they can increase the risk of developing bacterial resistance. These medications should be used infrequently and only when necessary. Also, they can affect the immune system and increase the risk of pharyngitis.

The use of antibiotics for acne is common, but the duration of treatment varies, from months to years. Some dermatologists recommend a limited duration of antibiotic use and may prescribe antibiotics in combination with topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. Nevertheless, antibiotic stewardship must be weighed against the overall cost of healthcare. In order to be effective, dermatologists should follow consensus guidelines when prescribing antibiotics.

One study followed nearly 600 college students over one school year. Researchers asked them about oral antibiotic use and whether they had a sore throat in the past month. In the acne group, almost one-third reported using oral antibiotics. The other third of students (13%) did not use oral antibiotics.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are cosmetic procedures that remove the top layer of the skin, revealing a fresh, new layer. The procedure can be performed in a doctor’s office or in a surgical center. The process is safe and typically results in a more radiant, resilient complexion. The procedure removes dead skin cells and can be customized to target virtually any skin condition. A dermatologist will recommend which chemical peel is right for your particular skin tone and condition.

Before undergoing a chemical peel, you should avoid facial masks and certain cosmetic treatments containing retinoids and other anti-inflammatory medications. You should also avoid shaving areas at least 24 hours before the procedure. You should also arrange for a ride home or another means of transportation. Depending on which chemical peel you choose, the doctor will provide you with a list of specific instructions for the procedure. If you opt for a deep peel, you’ll be given general anesthesia.

Medium chemical peels take about 15 minutes, while deep chemical peels can take about 90 minutes. After the procedure, the skin will be red and swollen for several days. Afterwards, the skin will start to heal. However, it will take a few months to see the full effects of the procedure.